Beside the constant reports of scams, unprofessional sellers, con-artists and fake used Fetish websites…..
Unfortunately we still come across non-members illegally using the Marbella Fetish Club seal on their websites and auction listings in an attempt to mislead used panty buyers.
Please remember that an authentic Marbella Fetish Club seal on a seller’s site will take you to their Marbella Fetish Club page. The address in your browser’s address bar of an authentic Marbella Fetish Club seal page will always start with “www.Marbella Fetish”.
If you come across a seal that does nothing when clicked or takes you to anywhere but that seller’s individual page on www.Marbella Fetish, you are most likely looking at a fraudulent seal. If you come to the Marbella Fetish Club site and don’t see that person listed here as a member, you have absolutely come across a fraud.
As always, the safest way to purchase used panties and lingerie is to only buy from authentic Marbella Fetish Club members. Buying from a seller who attempts to mislead you from the get go by displaying a fake Marbella Fetish Club seal is of course not recommended.
This person has already proven that trust and fair business practices mean nothing at all to them and thus trusting them to give you anything in return for your money is foolhardy.